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Premier Flooring Center Certified | Learn More >
Setting the Right Expectations for Your Next Remodel

Remodeling your home can be an exciting time! There are many decisions to be made, steps needed to stay organized and things to consider. We know that this can be an exciting time, but it can also be a stressful time without the proper expectations. We are here to help guide you through some of […]

Simple Tips To Improve Your Interior

Have you found that spending more time at home constantly reminds you that your interior needs a lift? Not sure how to improve areas? Below are simple tips that can uplift any room. Take a look at the suggestions below and we think you’ll be surprised how tweaking one thing can lead to results that […]

Rooms That Can Benefit From Renovation

If you are thinking of renovating a part of your home, how do you decide which rooms to make over? It can benefit your family now and later for re-sale value, if you renovate certain spaces and keep them up to date! Start in the kitchen if you can. Having an up to date kitchen […]

Adding a Backsplash to your Contemporary Kitchen

Ready to take your kitchen’s decor to the next level? Then you might want to consider installing a backsplash. Gone are the days when the typical backsplashes were boring tile pieces or a thin piece of silver behind the stove area. Intricately designed backsplashes featuring all kinds of colors and patterns have become increasingly popular […]

Updates to Make in a Bathroom Renovation
Updates to Make in a Bathroom Renovation

They say that the kitchen is the heart of the home and that the bedrooms are just as important, but what about the bathroom? A poorly designed and maintained bathroom can decrease the overall value of your home. In addition, such drab conditions reduce accessibility which affects the quality of your life. You can add […]

Tricks for Renovating Your Space
Tricks for Renovating Your Space

Sometimes, we just love our homes, but the layout is no longer serving a functional purpose. Perhaps you have considered doing a remodel but want to go a step further. The home you live in does not satisfy your needs or wants, and it is time to switch things up a little. If you are […]