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Five Types of Kitchen Styles

When searching for the right design for your kitchen, you’ll be surprised at what catches your eye! Here are five types of kitchen styles you can use as a guide to finding the one that is best suited for your home. Rustic Style Kitchen A rustic style kitchen has an outdoorsy feel. It embraces wood […]

Spring Projects: Embracing the Blooming Season

With the soon-arrival of the blooming season, homeowners may find themselves busier than ever. In fact, homeowners may even be participating in springtime’s associated activity “spring cleaning.” The activity derives from the fact that our homes will need a little more TLC since we are transitioning from colder, drearier months. During winter, we put these […]

2020 Trends for Area Rugs
2020 Trends for Area Rugs

Decorating your home can be done through a variety of methods. One of the most popular and influential design tricks that you can add to your home is an area rug. In fact, area rugs are great at bringing color, patterns, and style into your atmosphere. So if you are looking to invest in an […]

Counter Intuitive
Counter Intuitive

Our host, Suzanne Winn, shares her must-know tips and tricks for decorating countertops.

2020 Design Trends
2020 Design Trends

Design trends are constantly influencing how we style our homes. Therefore, knowing some of the latest trending designs can help you stay ahead of the curve. Plus, since we are now entering a new decade in 2020, many design trends are fading as well as coming to the market. To help you stay ahead of […]

What Is Hygge (hyoo·guh)?
What Is Hygge (hyoo·guh)?

We all want to live a happier life and enjoy the most out of it. While we all seek it, Denmark is living it. In fact, Denmark is the world’s happiest country. Yet, factors like perfect weather and no rush hour traffic are not how this nation became the staple of happiness. However, they believe […]