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Thoughtful Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts to Make with Kids
Thoughtful Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts to Make with Kids

Mother’s Day is a special occasion to show appreciation and love to the wonderful mothers in our lives. What better way to celebrate than by creating thoughtful, handmade gifts with your kids? These crafts not only offer a personal touch but also provide a fun and engaging activity for children. Here are some creative and […]

<strong>Choosing the Right Flooring for Homes with Pets and Children</strong>
Choosing the Right Flooring for Homes with Pets and Children

When you have pets and children running around your home, your floors are going to be put to the test! Scratches from paws, spills from sippy cups, and the general hustle and bustle of a busy family can all take a toll. That’s why it’s essential to choose a floor that’s not only beautiful but […]

6 Steps Toward Eliminating Clutter in the Family Room

If you find yourself struggling for space in your home, it is time to do something about it. If you find yourself watching Marie Kondo shows, but still living in a cluttered home, there are some simple steps you can take to reclaim your family room. We get it. The family room is at its […]

Fall Inspired Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup

Now is the perfect time to start saving recipes that will keep you warm and cozy. This is one of our favorites! This soup is warm and comforting with fresh, yet savory flavor! This recipe will feed several people for at least two days! What You Will Need: 1 Pound boneless, skinless chicken breast 5-7 […]

Creating Traditions: Family Game Night

One of the main reasons we decorate our houses is to turn them into homes; a place we can make memories and start traditions.  Memories can be big events like the birth of a child or a birthday that ends in a zero.  Traditions can be hosting Thanksgiving for the entire family or an annual […]

Guide to Furnishing a Nursery
Guide to Furnishing a Nursery

Today, we are going to take the time to find exactly what items you need in your nursery. New expecting mothers often make the mistake of going all out and purchasing items that will end up being a complete waste of money. To help, here is what needs to be on your list: Crib Of […]