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How to Decorate a Feminine Room

Has spending too much time at home lately made you crave a girly bedroom, office or den? A place where you can feel beautiful and surrounded by beautiful things? Are you afraid you may go overboard with pink and floral; resulting in a room that looks like your grandmother’s living room? Below are guidelines to […]

Valentine’s Day Playlist, Hearts

The big, red, flowery, chocolate drenched holiday is upon! Soon people will be scrambling to plan the perfect date. Figuring out where to go to dinner and what kind of candy to buy are easy. Most of Valentine’s Day is a foregone conclusion in terms of options. Perhaps less obvious, though, is a list of […]

Simple Tips To Improve Your Interior

Have you found that spending more time at home constantly reminds you that your interior needs a lift? Not sure how to improve areas? Below are simple tips that can uplift any room. Take a look at the suggestions below and we think you’ll be surprised how tweaking one thing can lead to results that […]

Bedroom Sanctuary

Is your current bedroom just the space you sleep in? Your bedroom is your space, just for you. Why not turn it into a haven where you can relax and re-charge your batteries? When your bedroom is peaceful, you go to bed at peace and wake up in a peaceful mood. Keep reading for ways […]

Applying Basic Feng Shui Ideas to your Home: Part 3

Applying Basic Feng Shui Ideas to your Home: Part 3 – Change Your Space, Change Your Life Many of the ideas presented in the Chinese study of Feng Shui can be easily applied to any home. One of the most interesting aspects of Feng Shui is the belief that your physical space mirrors your life, […]

Applying Basic Feng Shui Ideas to Your Home: Part 2

Applying Basic Feng Shui Ideas to your Home: Part 2 – Corners and Curves Have you ever wondered whether Feng Shui concepts could make your home more inviting? Although the practice is complex, many basic ideas drawn from the practice can be useful tools as you consider improving or renovating your space. One interesting idea […]