Living in a small space? Living in a large home? No matter which question pertains to you, there is stuff we all accumulate. Get organized with the following tips and tricks. Learn how to utilize typically wasted space and rid your home of clutter. The shoe pockets that attach to the back of a door […]
Furnishings with stylish sleek lines and a minimalist look are the hallmark of modern living rooms. With such a canvas to work with, warmth and visual interest can be created by using these decorating ideas: Color—All white or black and white are very popular colors for modern living rooms. However, a pop or splash of […]
As we approach 2021, what do you do to prepare for the New Year? For some people, buying a new calendar and copying over all the birthdays, holidays and family anniversaries from the old calendar becomes almost an annual ritual. Whether you use a classic printed calendar or have moved to a computerized one, you […]
The experts say there are certain steps to decorating the tree. Who knew?!? Below you will find the order you’ll want to decorate your tree in order to minimize stress and maximize your decorating efforts! First, put on the lights. You will need about 100 lights per every vertical foot. Then add the garland. Start […]
Now is the perfect time to start saving recipes that will keep you warm and cozy. This is one of our favorites! This soup is warm and comforting with fresh, yet savory flavor! This recipe will feed several people for at least two days! What You Will Need: 1 Pound boneless, skinless chicken breast 5-7 […]
The holidays are really here! We hope you’re well into preparation by now for your Thanksgiving feast! We thought we’d share some stain removal techniques with you, just in case someone knocks over the gravy boat onto the carpet, or accidentally drops their plate. If an accident does occur, try one or several of the […]