The How I Live Interview Tool – Find the Right Flooring for YOU!
Having trouble figuring out what flooring products are best suited to your home? Our How I Live Interview tool is here to help! Answering targeted questions about family size, pets, special needs and how you live will assist us in recommending the right flooring selections for your home. Having a precise list of suggestions will better equip you to make the right decision for your flooring project.
The questions will focus on your everyday needs. If there are small children in the home, the tool will recommend the right type of flooring. Information about your pets will help narrow down the choices. Answers to questions like whether or not you entertain in your home are another piece of the puzzle that help the tool recommned the right floors for you.
The more information you provide, the better the results. Let this tool take the guesswork out of finding the right floors for your home. We often see people that are convinced that a certain product is right for them until we dive in a little deeper only to realize that’s not the case. It may even help you realize that your current floors aren’t meeting your current needs. If this is the case, knowing what floors are right for your lifestyle will give you a goal to work towards. Learning as much as you can about yourself and your family’s needs will make this quiz worthwhile.
While information about what you currently need in your home is essential, remember to take into consideration what your future might bring. Check out our How I Live Interview tool today and get started making your home beautiful and purposeful!