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Flooring to Complement Your Home Décor

When creating and designing your space, you want to make sense of harmony and rhythm. Many beginners use aspects in their design from color and lines to shapes and patterns, yet they neglect the harmony. This aspect is what makes your space feel complete and flow together. Finding the perfect flooring to complement your home […]

Repurposing Flooring

When you finish a flooring project, you should always keep extra square footage of the flooring you installed in case you have a spill or an emergency that requires replacement of parts of the floor. However, if you have more than you need or if you want to purchase odd lots of flooring for home […]

6 Steps Toward Eliminating Clutter in the Family Room

If you find yourself struggling for space in your home, it is time to do something about it. If you find yourself watching Marie Kondo shows, but still living in a cluttered home, there are some simple steps you can take to reclaim your family room. We get it. The family room is at its […]

Decorating with Area Rugs

Area rugs are a great way to add a focal point in any room and can tie a room together from a design standpoint. Beyond their artistic value, area rugs also can add comfort and warmth on harder surfaces such as wood or tile flooring. As area rugs tend to be the glue that holds […]

Reader Question: Kitchen Backsplash

We recently received this question from one of our readers:   “I have off-white cabinets and white countertops, what type and color of backsplash would you recommend to give my kitchen a more updated look?   When it comes to backsplashes, your personal preference matters! This is a chance to express yourself and add a […]

Setting the Right Expectations for Your Next Remodel

Remodeling your home can be an exciting time! There are many decisions to be made, steps needed to stay organized and things to consider. We know that this can be an exciting time, but it can also be a stressful time without the proper expectations. We are here to help guide you through some of […]