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Repurposing Flooring

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | June 28, 2022

When you finish a flooring project, you should always keep extra square footage of the flooring you installed in case you have a spill or an emergency that requires replacement of parts of the floor. However, if you have more than you need or if you want to purchase odd lots of flooring for home solutions we’ve got some ideas that you might like to try!


Use leftover carpet or carpet samples to create a scratching post for your cats. Giving them a place to scratch their nails safely will keep them from using your favorite furniture as a scratching post!

Carpet also makes a great floor mat for your car or protective mat for the trunk or hatchback of your car. Carpet keeps things from sliding around and if the carpet gets soiled, you can replace it with another piece.

If you have pets that sleep in crates, why not make their home more comfortable or beautiful with a piece of carpet cut to fit the bottom of their crate. After a while, you can either clean the carpet with a handheld device or you can replace it with another piece of carpet.


Look around your home. Are there small, flat areas that could be more attractive if they had a wood look? luxury vinyl plank is more forgiving than wood and can be adhered directly to areas to give them a new look! There may be pieces of furniture in your home that have a worn or weathered top that could have a new life with a new top.

Purchasing one or several boxes of luxury vinyl plank could transform a small area like a foyer or powder bath for a very low cost. You could also do this with hardwood or tile!


Do you have picture frames that are boring that could use some pizazz? Mosaic tiles come on mesh backings so they can easily be cut or removed for crafts. Try gluing strips of glass mosaics to old picture frames to give them a new look.

Create your own mosaics with different boxes of tile. Choose different colors, patterns and textures for an artistic look. Break the tiles into small pieces and create mosaic table tops, bar tops, coffee table tops or anything your mind can imagine!


If you’re looking for something new to do with the kids, give them flooring samples or small quantities of flooring and see where their imagination takes them. You might be surprised at what they come up with!

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