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Creating Traditions: Family Game Night

One of the main reasons we decorate our houses is to turn them into homes; a place we can make memories and start traditions.  Memories can be big events like the birth of a child or a birthday that ends in a zero.  Traditions can be hosting Thanksgiving for the entire family or an annual […]

Adding Detail to Your Home’s Finished Design

So you’ve finally finished putting together your home’s layout. Every piece of furniture is in its proper place and the flooring material is perfect. Everything is as it should be, so what’s missing? The finishing touches that will give your house that “complete” look. Usually, when people think of design, they are only thinking of […]

Going Bold with Color!

Sometimes in decorating, as in life, you have to break the rules. Most designers and retailers will tell you to buy your big investment pieces of furniture in neutral colors that will withstand the test of time. Neutrals like white, cream, tans, beiges, greys and browns are the typical colors for sofas, love-seats and chairs. […]

Five Types of Kitchen Styles

When searching for the right design for your kitchen, you’ll be surprised at what catches your eye! Here are five types of kitchen styles you can use as a guide to finding the one that is best suited for your home. Rustic Style Kitchen A rustic style kitchen has an outdoorsy feel. It embraces wood […]

Be an Expert at Organization!

Are you spending so much time at home that you feel as if your home is one giant, disorganized mess? You do not know where to start, but things must get done!?! Take a deep breath, organizing does not need to be overwhelming! We’ve got some tips to help you. For example, Start with one […]

Ten Budget-Friendly Tips for Excellent Curb Appeal

Your home’s exterior is a snapshot of what people can expect when they walk inside your front door and we believe that your curb appeal should not be overlooked. That being said, we also believe that updating your front yard should not cost you a fortune. To help you master having excellent curb appeal on […]