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Creating Traditions: Family Game Night

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | August 11, 2020

One of the main reasons we decorate our houses is to turn them into homes; a place we can make memories and start traditions.  Memories can be big events like the birth of a child or a birthday that ends in a zero.  Traditions can be hosting Thanksgiving for the entire family or an annual summer barbecue for the neighborhood.  Or memories can be little things and traditions more low key.  Family game night is one of these little traditions that can create great memories. It’s really the small moments that matter.

Family game night can be a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly event. During these times, family game night can break up the monotony and bring some joy! It is a time for the entire family to gather around a dining table or coffee table for a board game, cards or even a puzzle.  Of course, family game night can also be a game of Wii or another electronic game on the TV. No matter the activity the important thing is that everyone is engaged in the same activity. No cell phones. No texting. Everyone being fully present.

Arranging a family game night in the living room might mean gathering around the coffee table or moving the furniture for a game of virtual bowling. Putting down floor cushions will soften hardwood floors and even carpeted floors.  Floor cushions are great for lounging waiting your turn or to sit on while working out the next move in a board game.

Find a game that the family will all enjoy playing together.  Make sure the difficulty isn’t too much for little family members and engaging for older kids and adults.  The laughter and stories are what you’ll remember—not who won or lost.