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Preparing for Thanksgiving Leftovers – Healthy Dishes – Turkey Cobb Salad for 2 No Bleu!
Preparing for Thanksgiving Leftovers – Healthy Dishes – Turkey Cobb Salad for 2 No Bleu!

It’s time! We are ready yet again to over indulge in a Thanksgiving feast. Yes, moderation is important in general, but life is short so go ahead and live a little for one day. The key to minimizing caloric impact is to get right back to smart nutrition the next day. Start preparing now by […]

How to preserve autumn leaves as keepsakes or for your DIY projects
How to preserve autumn leaves as keepsakes or for your DIY projects

Autumn leaves are among nature’s most beautiful keepsakes. We get so much enjoyment from them. Watching them change colors, seeing their splendor in long expanses of trees, and trying to catch them as they flutter to the ground. After you’ve caught a few favorites you can preserve them using a very simple method. You may […]

Halloween Party Games — Witches Broom Balloon Race
Halloween Party Games — Witches Broom Balloon Race

Tired of pin the tail on the donkey? Try this energetic game for kids. It’s incredibly easy to set up, and it amuses all who are present in the room! It’s much harder than it sounds when you explain it to the kids, so everyone is soon belly laughing when it starts to go awry. […]

Snow! On My Floor? What Do I Do First?
Snow! On My Floor? What Do I Do First?

Some floors are made to take a large amount of traffic and rough treatment. Other floors are a little more delicate and need more protection. Both types of floors deserve to look their best throughout the year and winter brings with it special considerations.   If you notice snow on your floor, don’t panic; you […]

Five Finger Foods in Five Minutes
Five Finger Foods in Five Minutes

When you’re trying to get ready for guests, the last thing you want to worry about is the prep time for snacks and finger foods. Worrying about snack food shouldn’t be a competing issue as you are preparing dinner! Pull together these fast finger foods in just five minutes. This will leave you plenty of […]

Your Choice — Tell Us Your Favorite!
Your Choice — Tell Us Your Favorite!

Would you choose a formal bedroom or one that leans towards a cozy getaway?  Why?