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Lifestyle Interview
Lifestyle Interview

  Take a few minutes to fill out the questions in our Lifestyle Interview. This will help you when it comes to making decisions and selections for your home. Questions in the interview include questions about your family size, pets, extended family, special needs and if you have a budget or not. The answers from […]

Is Carpet Right for You?
Is Carpet Right for You?

Carpet offers some incredible advantages when used in rooms that benefit from warmth and comfort. Find out the positive attributes of this material and if it’s right for your home. This floor material has become better through leaps and bounds over the years. This material is capable of holding warmth and keeping a room warmer […]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Leprechauns Visit the Kiddos
Leprechauns Visit the Kiddos

If you love St. Patrick’s day and would like to make it a bigger celebration for you children, keep reading to find out how to ramp up the fun this year!  Start a great family tradition for this green themed holiday. The night before St. Patrick’s Day, create an elaborate visit from mischievous leprechauns! This […]

Which Do You Prefer?
Which Do You Prefer?

Reader’s Choice:  Which of the room settings below do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below!

Discover Your Style Quiz
Discover Your Style Quiz

Our website offers an easy and fun quiz to take to find out your particular decorating style. Very rarely are people strictly drawn to one particular style. Typically an individual is drawn to several styles. That can make decorating a challenge. This tool helps pinpoint the style or styles you like and helps make design […]