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Fun, At-home Activities to do with Your Kids

With summer break around the corner, the kids will have free days once again before you know it. Even if summer intramural sports, summer camp and your family summer vacation are all planned, here are some at-home activity ideas you’ll love doing with your kids in between. Plant a small garden Whether you’ve done this […]

Spring-Inspired Weekday Lunches You’ll Love

The average midday meal can quickly become mundane and tasteless if you’re in a routine of rotating lunch options. If you’re a busy parent on top of a hectic office schedule, time is all too precious–taking the time to prep meals at home can seem like the impossible. Check out these lunch ideas and tweak […]

Painting Materials Checklist

Painting is one of the easiest  ways to refresh your space. Adding a pop of color can help give personality to each room,. Alternately, choosing a neutral paint palette can be pleasing to the eye as you travel from room to room. After you’ve picked up your gallons of paint and primer, make sure you […]

Three Ideas for Your Extra Room

If you’re lucky enough to have a spare room, you might be wondering what to do with that valuable space. If you don’t need another guest room or home office area, here are three inspired ideas. Library Avid readers deserve a quiet space to read and peruse books. Dark wood floors would complement this aesthetic. […]

The Best Tip for Organizing Your Cleaning Supplies

Organizing your cleaning supplies might sound like the least fun activity on the planet. However, with just about an hour of your time, you can streamline and simplify your whole-house cleaning strategy. How? Keep room-specific cleaning materials in the room you need them. It’s that simple. Here are a few ideas. Bathroom Under the sink […]

Try This Delicious Weekend Brunch Menu

Who doesn’t love weekend brunch? It’s the perfect time to get together with friends and family to catch up, slow down and eat and drink delicious food. If you live in a city or a place where brunch is quite the popular weekend activity [read: hard to get a table], why not try hosting a […]