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What You Need to Know About Carpet

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | August 10, 2017

Warm up any area in the home and reduce your energy bill when you install carpet. Many people shy away from carpet because it requires increased maintenance. However, carpet can provide warmth and comfort. Yes, there are several distinct advantages to selecting carpet as your flooring.


What are some of the benefits of carpet flooring? Well, did you know that new carpet can improve indoor air quality? Compared to other flooring options carpet emits lowest VOC. It acts as an air filter by pollen, dust and other harmful particles that can affect one’s health. According to recent studies, this can benefit individuals who have asthma and severe allergies. An added advantage of carpet is that it provides warmth. Carpet is thermal resistant, which means that in cold climates heat is retained for a longer period which conserves energy. Also, carpet helps reduce noise. Carpet quickly absorbs noise emitted from the televisions or sound systems.


Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of carpet flooring is that it’s comfortable. Carpet cushions your feet, soften slips and falls. Such a safety feature is suitable for homes with small children and the elderly.


If you’re interested in installing carpet in any room in your house, you should take into consideration the type of carpet of fiber to utilize. There are three major types of carpet fiber which include:

A synthetic fiber. Most quality residential carpets today are made of nylon. Nylon is the leader in appearance retention, fade and heat resistance, soil and stain resistance, and color and styling.

– Polyester
A standard synthetic material well accepted for its bulkiness, color clarity, and good stain and fade resistance. While not as resilient as nylon, Polyester fiber carpet constructed with today’s new technologies can be a good performer.

– Polypropylene
Another common synthetic material used in carpet manufacturing that is sometimes referred to as olefin. Most commonly used in commercial carpeting, polypropylene is not as resilient or resistant to abrasion as nylon, and it is naturally stain and fade resistant.


There are a wide variety of carpet colors and pattern. Are you ready to incorporate carpet in your interior design? Contact us today for a consultation.