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What Is Waterproof Carpet?

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | January 3, 2020

When selecting the perfect flooring for your home, you have a wide variety of options and products. Each flooring style comes with its own set of pros and cons. However, a significant setback for carpet is that it can be easily vulnerable to water damage. While carpet is highly desired for the warmth and comfort it can add to a space, being susceptible to water damage can become a major deciding factor. However, we live in an advanced society which has engineered a new, exceptional solution for your home. Waterproof carpet is a revolutionary product that can allow homeowners to put carpet in areas they never considered. Here are benefits to this newly advanced flooring solution:

Waterproof vs. Water Resilient

When shopping for waterproof carpet, you need to ensure you are not purchasing a water-resilient carpet. While this may help prevent water from penetrating the fibers at first, it can still occur. Waterproof carpet technology goes beyond the fibers. When a spill or accident occurs, the fibers will prevent absorption. You will also see that actual waterproof carpet will have a waterproof backing. This feature is key! Most mildew and mold will actually happen by soaking through the carpet and deep down into the padding. By having waterproof carpet, you will not need to invest in waterproof padding! 


Waterproof carpet has many advantages. The most obvious is the carpet will be impervious to water damage. However, you may not have also recognized that waterproof also means no more stains! A stain is formed when a liquid penetrates into the carpet fiber. The color is then dyed into the strands and cannot be removed. With actual waterproof carpet, you will no longer have to worry about unwanted carpet staining.


While eliminating carpet’s most notorious disadvantage, a new one has arisen. Waterproof carpet technology is quite new and, like most new technology, can be more expensive. While not being the most expensive flooring option, waterproof carpet is more costly than a non-waterproof carpet. You can rest assured that you will get more longevity out of your purchase, however.

So, if you are looking for options to put in your home, consider waterproof carpet. It is an excellent option which can allow carpet to be used in even more areas of your home now! This new, revolutionary carpet will help change the way you look at carpet now! For more insight on the latest flooring trends and technology, make sure to subscribe.