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Three Ideas for Your Extra Room

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | March 25, 2014

26144015_SIf you’re lucky enough to have a spare room, you might be wondering what to do with that valuable space. If you don’t need another guest room or home office area, here are three inspired ideas.


Avid readers deserve a quiet space to read and peruse books. Dark wood floors would complement this aesthetic. Built-in floor-to-ceiling bookcases would be a perfect way to show off your collection of first editions. One or two comfortable reading chairs situated near the window would be a perfect spot to get caught up in a great novel. This also doubles as a quite homework room for families with children.

Yoga room

The home gym has evolved. Gone are the days of bulky treadmills and weights. Create a peaceful workout studio in your spare room. A large mirror is ideal for this space, as well as integrated speakers to play your most calming music. Candles are a must, as well as comfortable flooring to lay your mat on. A stand for your iPad or tablet will allow you to watch yoga or Pilates videos or apps.

Man cave/Walk in closet

You might have to do battle when it comes to choosing the man cave vs. walk in closet. For the man cave, think about music, entertainment or sports. Do you want a recording room for your band, complete with framed tour posters on the wall? Or how about a video game/sports-watching room with surround sound and large, comfortable couches. For the walk-in closet, think lots of storage; built-in shoe racks, a vanity with jewelry storage and fun, full-length mirrors will do the trick. Get fancy with girly lighting and paint. Don’t forget full-length curtains for privacy when getting dressed.

A spare room can be the perfect way to get creative with your hobby. The hardest part will be deciding which decorating direction to take it!