Scandinavian Minimalist Design
Scandinavian Minimalist Design
When designing your home and adding to it, the two elements you need to ask yourself are: “Does it follow my theme, and does it make me happy?” Some people may prefer a luxurious, fully expressive atmosphere with an eclectic blend to help express their artsy, free-spirited self and help enrich their happiness. Others may find more peace and pleasure with a clean, minimalist approach with less is more being key to their environment. If you favor a more systematic, controlled, and simple method, you may want to learn a Scandinavian Minimalist design. What makes Scandinavian Minimalist design so popular today is its neutral, crisp color palette, well-trimmed but straightforward furniture, and its influence on accentuating an open layout. Let’s take a more in-depth look at the different aspects that define this style:
Neutral Color Palette
A neutral color palette can be a great way to make a room feel more spacious. A Scandinavian design will usually stay with more muted tones and white wood floors. These simpler colors allow light to reflect more freely around the room. Typically, light hardwood floor is a go-to design choice for this style home. Like most minimalist design styles, the space should feel open and airy for easy maneuverability and functionality.
A great way to tie your home together with this design is repetition. Patterns, textures, and plant life are great to have throughout your home. Try to find specific patterns which may be reflected multiple times throughout the house. If you go with a black and white striped floor mat, you can complement it by adding similarly patterned pictures, table placemats, and furniture throughout your home. Plants are a great way to allow a lively flow back into a space with a very subtle color palette so make sure to use them throughout your home. Most Scandinavian furniture will have a high-quality, artsy yet simple appeal to them. Try to find furniture that compliments other element designs in your home.
Nature Inspired
Another contributing factor that will enhance your Scandinavian space is allowing nature to be reflected throughout your design. Adding plants is a great tactic to add to your home but also consider the woods and metals being incorporated into some of your furniture. Make your home feature eco-friendly technology and respect for nature. Your space is not only about the design but about the whole encompassing lifestyle it gives off. These beautiful home designs are a great way to mimic the styles in Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden. Giving enough attribute to nature in your home will keep your home feeling lively even during the cooler months.
The great thing about this design is it can be applied to any size home or room. A minimalist approach will help you keep small rooms from feeling cluttered where large rooms can have the freedom to really use the design to help enhance the room’s size. Try to pick out or even pin a couple of Scandinavian design styles you like, and that makes you happy before tackling the project. Once you know the exact route you want to go, you can begin designing your home.