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Naturally Repel Mosquitos

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | July 16, 2016

Mosquitos are a pesky bug that can ruin a wonderful day outdoors.  Deciding on the best product to protect yourself and your children from mosquito bites may feel overwhelming. But what if you need a mosquito repellant when you don’t have the time to get to the store?  Below is an idea that can help with products you may have already in your home. 

This recipe is easy to make and safe to use on children. Children are especially sensitive to harsh chemicals. It is in their best interest to use an organic mixture to repel mosquitos.

What You Will Need:

A small spray bottle

2 oz. Distilled or spring water

20 drops of lavender essential oil

2 oz. witch hazel


In the spray bottle add contents. Before each use, shake well. Spray directly on skin and clothing. Use the spray as needed.

Other tips for repelling mosquitos:

To keep mosquitos at bay, plant lavender and cat nip around the yard. These pests do not like the scent of either plant, but they are pleasant for humans!

Tiki torches are great for backyard ambiance. Buy the citronella fuel to further repel mosquitos.