How To Make DIY Pictorial Light Switch Covers

If you love eye candy in a room, then you won’t be able to resist this project – especially if you enjoy expressing your personal artistic taste. If that sounds like you then plain light switch plate covers are a horror! Fix that problem cheap and easy with this smart project.
- Printed image you like (magazine page, scrapbook paper, etc.)
- Flathead screw driver
- Tacky glue
- Clear acrylic spray coat
- Craft mat
- X-Acto knife
Remove the switch plate from the wall using a flathead screwdriver and clean it, or buy new plates. They’re very inexpensive and can be easily found.
Lay the plate on the part of the image that you want to use. Experiment with turning it sideways to see if you like the image better that way. Don’t forget, you’ll be cutting the center out so that part of the image will be lost! Trace around it using a pencil or white sewing pencil if the image is dark. Using the X-Acto knife, cut around the plate on all four sides, but DON’T cut at the edge of the plate. Cut aprox ½ inch away from it because you will need the excess for wrapping around the back of the plate. The cuts don’t have to be perfect, because no one will see them. Don’t pull the knife edge to hard or fast because this will make the plate move and possibly tear the image. If it does move, re-center it using the outline you traced.
Next, lay the image over the top of the plate to ensure it is the right size. Then, use a foam paint brush, and coat the front of the switch plate with tacky glue. Do this thoroughly and evenly, not forgetting the sides and edges. Now, place the newly cut image on the glue, being sure to center it. Use a credit card to very gently smooth it down and ease out any large air bubbles. Use your fingers to press it down at the side edges.
Next, fold the edges to the back like you would when wrapping a gift. Snip corners a little if needed. If the image doesn’t stick completely around all of the edges, apply a tiny bit more glue and seal them down. Let it dry a little. Flip the plate over and use your X-Acto knife to cut out the center piece using the same rule of a ½ inch away from the edge. Then cut a diagonal slit at each corner to ensure the image wraps tightly at the inner edges. Line each edge with the glue and press down. Next, cut a small X into both of the holes where the screws go. Last, go to a well ventilated area and spray it with an acrylic clear coat to set it permanently and give it a finished, glossy look.