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Hosting an Emmy Party

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | September 20, 2013


It’s Emmy time and since all of us watch television, why not host an Emmy party for your friends?

Invite people over in time to watch the pre-Emmy festivities. It’s fun to critique the fashions and see what over the top gowns are being featured. Play “Fashion Police” and rate the runway. Invite your guests to dress up “red carpet style”.

Make sure you have plenty of TV’s set up in different rooms. Some people will want to hang out in the kitchen and others will want to slump down on your sofa while watching the award show. Clear surfaces in your living room to hold appetizer plates and glasses and have coasters on hand to protect your tables.

Create a red carpet at the entrance of your home. Use a carpet remnant or check your local party store to see if they rent carpets for such occasions. As guests arrive take a photo of them. Send them the photo via email or text as a party favor.

Give your guests Emmy ballots and see who can guess the most winners. Hand out party favors like movie tickets, bottles of champagne or a gift basket of movie snacks like popcorn and milk duds.

Serve chilled champagne, martinis or mock tails for those who are not drinking. Choose finger foods that are easy to pick up and balance on a plate while holding a cocktail class in the other hand. Bruschetta, chicken kebabs, gazpacho in shot glasses, and shrimp skewered on sugar cane are all good options. Mini cupcakes or chocolate truffles are great ideas for dessert.

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the show!