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Fun Ways to Add Whimsy to a Garden

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | April 22, 2016

Gardening should be fun and relaxing. There are some easy ways to add a bit of whimsy to any garden. Find out how to add a bit of fun to your garden decoration.

Use tiered pots to make a vertical herb garden. This is so simple. Get three different sized of terracotta pots, from small to medium and large. The pots need to have holes in the bottom to provide for water drainage. Place a medium sized container upside down in the large pot. The container should be flat on the bottom (so another pot can sit on top). Add potting soil around the container and plant herbs around the container. Add more soil to make sure the container is covered. Next set the medium terracotta pot on top, in the middle of the large pot. Add the small container to the medium pot, the same as above. Fill in with potting soil and plant herbs around the middle container. Fill in the rest with the potting soil. Place the small pot on top of the container in the medium pot and plant herbs throughout. Sticker decals are great for labeling each pot. This design is great for saving space, since it is a little garden that extends vertically.

Use a large container of any type.  Tip it on its side and dig a small divot underneath to keep the container from rolling. The idea with this project is to plant flowers in such a way that they appear to have spilled out of the overturned container. This creates a fun and interesting look.  Try this with a broken pot, an old metal bucket, or even a large pitcher. Make sure the flowers you plant inside have access to sun, or you may want to plant flowers or plants that do not require direct sunlight.

Drill holes in the bottom of an old wheelbarrow. Fill it with potting soil and plant whatever kinds of plants you like inside the wheel barrel. This is wonderful because this creates a little mobile garden that can be moved around the yard!

Do you have any other ideas for a whimsical garden? Share them in the comments below!