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Fun Easter Activities for the Children

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | April 12, 2019

Easter is a beautiful time of the year. Spring is in the air, irresistible treats, fun crafts, church events, and time with the family all contribute to making the holiday memorable. It is important for parents to help make the holidays special for our children. To help, we put together some of our favorite Easter activities that you can incorporate in your own home to help with the holiday spirit this year. From scavenger hunts to paint eggs, we explore the many activities that can make this holiday special for the children. Let’s take a look!

Plant Flowers

Spring is near, so it is time to consider sprucing up the flower beds. While this may seem like a chore to you, it can be a fun activity for the family. Allow your children to pick out seeds and grow a flower of their choice. You can do this activity indoors or in the outdoor garden. This simple task will excite children as the plant grows little by little each day.

Easter Baskets

As we all know, children love presents. Hiding their Easter baskets can make it a fun game! The Easter bunny may have hidden them anywhere in the house. This is a classic way to allow your children to team up and explore on Easter morning. Fill the baskets with treats and games to keep their excitement high for the activity.

Paint Easter Eggs

Discover the creative and artsy side of your children. Painting Easter eggs is a traditional, classic activity. Get watercolor or acrylic paints to help bring the eggs to life. Plus, you will find that these paints are easiest to clean if the paint is splashed.

Outdoor Games

There are dozens of Easter games you can play during the holidays. Obstacle course and relay races have become holiday classics. Involve egg in spoon races, egg hunts, and leapfrog to help get your children in the holiday spirit. The egg hunt can be done using their Easter baskets to collect the eggs. You can use the eggs they painted as well to make the game even more interactive.

What are your favorite Easter traditions? We would love to hear from you in the comment section, and for more holiday ideas, make sure to subscribe!