Fun and Daring 2018 Color Combinations
Every color can influence a room differently. Colors can give a place a cool or warm feel and change the energy completely. Painting your walls and adding colors is a great way to transform an atmosphere. Knowing different tried and true color themes is a great way to find the one you want to apply in your own space. We put together a couple of our favorite color styles for you to look at to get your wheels turning on your perfect color theme. Let’s take a look!
Gold and black is a powerful combination that can add elegance and luxury to your space. The dark hard contrast of black adds a sophisticated and formal feel while intriguing guests with a mysterious vibe, whereas gold is a confident and highly ambitious color. This combo looks great for people trying to give a room a luxurious, robust ambiance.
This retrofit look takes warm and cool tones to create a sense of balance. Using a powerful red and a tranquil blue can create a sharp contrast in a room. With both colors being primaries, they will both make a strong statement in your room. This is a fun, contemporary look that can really make a statement in your home’s interior design.
Earth tones are not limited to just neutrals. Incorporating woods, bricks, and concrete all help to add to this color scheme. Earth tones will consist of browns, tans, beiges, and sands but burgundy reds and forest greens can also be used in this color theme. This color combination is most commonly seen in Rustic Interior Designs but can quickly make your space feel cozier and more inviting.
This ocean-inspired color scheme can help influence your room’s ambiance to feel more peaceful. Adding cool tones like blues, greens, and purples can help make a Mediterranean/Coastal theme. This color combo is an excellent addition in a living room or bedroom to help make your space feel more relaxing.
Every color theme can change your overall atmosphere and set the tone for the space. Picking a design theme can usually help you decide the route you will choose with colors. If you do not know where to start, consider your preexisting decor and furniture. They will help set the tone for your space and create a continual design. For more great tips and tricks, visit us at Levis4Floors.