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Fashion Inspired Accessories

Levis4Floors By Levis4Floors | November 1, 2013


A little red lipstick or a red clutch can turn a so-so look into something beautiful.  A sparkling purse, a colorful bracelet or a gorgeous pair of shoes are the little touches that make an outfit more than just clothes. This same attitude can be applied to designing and decorating our homes.  Accessories inspired by fashion are a wonderful way to make your décor feel up to date.

This doesn’t mean exactly copying the latest trends in fashion and putting them into your home. The current craze for neon colors and 80s inspired accessories might not translate into interior design. Pops of bright, bold colors in objects and pillows might be a better interpretation of these fashion trends.  Fashion and interiors are continually sharing ideas and trends between the two.  Zigzags in fashion translate into chevron patterns in home accessories from curtains to rugs and herringbone patterned wood floors.

Think of accent pieces as you would accessories and lipstick—they are the finishing touches for an outfit.  Good pieces like a well designed sofa or table are highlighted with the perfect pillow, throw or vase.  These accents draw attention to the foundation pieces of the room. Too many accessories in a room can have the same effect they would on an outfit: you lose sight of the design through the clutter. Less can be more when it comes to both fashion and interior design accessories. The perfect accent rug, pillow or object can transform a room into something beautiful and special.