Create A Gift Wrapping Kit
Are you scrambling around trying to find a roll of wrapping paper, some ribbon or even some tape? Instead of getting caught unprepared, create a gift-wrapping kit so that you always have something on hand to make a pretty package.
For a basic year round wrapping (think birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, anniversaries) you will want to stock up on solid colored paper. Do you have a signature color? Use that and people will start to know exactly what gift is from you. For the winter holidays you’ll want red, green, blue or metallic colors.
Buy some fabric ribbon. It makes a package look instantly classy. Tulle is also another great option.
Get some scissors that you only use for wrapping. Read – the kids can’t steal this pair for their projects, and neither can your husband. You’ll also want some double stick tape.
For gifts that are huge and bulky consider getting some large size gift sacks. For gift cards have some cellophane bags on hand. For golf clubs, posters, yoga mats or baseball bats mailing tubes are a great idea.
Also keep an assortment of gift boxes in different sizes and shapes. This makes wrapping smaller odd size gifts easier.
And finally, gift tags!!! Make sure you have occasion appropriate gift tags in your repertoire or make your own.
Store all of these items in a large bin or box that you can easily pull out when you need it.