Backsplash Pattern Ideas

Backsplashes add a decorative element to any kitchen design, often completing the look and feel of the kitchen. There are numerous ways you can lay out your backsplash tile to complement the look and style of your kitchen. Depending on the type of design you’re going for; consider trying any one of these backsplash ideas to complete the look.
Contemporary Stacked Pattern
Consider using traditional tiles set in unconventional ways to make a statement in your contemporary kitchen. Choose a rectangular tile, either traditional subway-style 3 x 6, or something different and more modern such as a 2 x 8, and rather than installing them in a running bond or offset pattern, consider stacking them horizontally on top of one another to make rows. This gives a sleek, modern look to any kitchen. Further enhance the look by using glass, honed marble, or stainless steel tiles in place of ceramic.
Traditional Focal Point Pattern
The vast majority of backsplashes are 18-inches in height. This allows you to frame the interior portion of your backsplash with a row of 4-inch tiles at the top and at the bottom. Fill in the center with the same tiles turned on the diagonal for a formal, traditional look that is emphasized by tiles above and below. Continue this pattern behind the cooktop, cutting in decorative tiles on the corners of the field tile to complete the pattern.
Transitional Border Pattern
If your kitchen isn’t contemporary or traditional, but somewhere in the middle between the two, consider using a transitional pattern that uses elements of both. Set a row of tile at the bottom of the backsplash, and run a decorative border of glass mosaic on top. Set the remaining field tile above it to the cabinets. Take the decorative glass mosaic, and use it to fill in the area behind the cooktop, framed with a chair rail tile to give a focal point to the space.
Complete Your Kitchen
Backsplashes help to complete any kitchen design. Consider using one of these three patterns to help you achieve the look you’re after. Have you ever seen a backsplash pattern that was particularly beautiful or striking? Feel free to send in a picture if you have!